РТВ Теорија и пракса

LITERATURA 1. Owe Borgstom, Borje Andersson, Aleksander Marlevi, Johan Anas, Steffan Brangenhardt, Digital telephony; LM Ericsson Sweden S-12625. - 1977. 2. Kevin Shergold, .Development Strategy for broadband local network in Britain", Montreux Symposium, 1985. 3. D.Bottle, H.M.Gundner, H.J.Matt, R.Stannard, „Multichanel Broadband - ISDN", Montreux Symposium, 1985. 4. RACE Definition Phase EBU Technical Centre, decembar 1986. 5. Anthony Pragnell, Prospective Study EBU, G.New Devel. SPG 1332, str. 31-39. 6. Henri Perez, Prospective Study EBU, G.New Devel. SPG 1332, str. 25-30. 7. Helmut Lenhardt, „Developing Markets for New TV programmes in Europe", Montreux Symposium, 1985. 8. R.J.Mulder, Office automation and the ISDN, PTR tom. 44, br. 1, 1986. 9. Sigismund Rodike, Peter Duerkop, *Network - Compatibile 450 MHz Systems for Broadbend Communication Systems", Montreux Symposium, 1985. 10. L.M.Hall, System management in fully integrated network of SOPHO-S 2500 PABXs PTR, tom. 46, br. 1, mart 1988. 11. J.P.Chamhers, Signalling in Рагку a brief history, BBC RD 1985/15. 12. JAPAN: Definition of Data Broadcasting, CCIR JIWP 10-11/5-CP 9. 13. Helga Seguin, „Progressive introduction of new services in a broadbanđ network", Montreux Symposium, 1985, CATV Session. 14. Gerhard Wiest, Network evolution. Commutication Internationa! special supplement Siemens Telecoramunications, oktobar 1987. 15. Klaus Bechtold, „Video conference on tlie Optica! overlay network", Montreux Symposium, 1985. 16. FRG: Proposal for a satellite teletext system for use within the digital multiplex of the MAC/packet signal CCIR study groups Doc. 11/E. Report 956, jul 1987