РТВ Теорија и пракса

Group. Routledge, 1993. Doživljeno iskustvo je ono koje najavljuje smrt. nezaposlenost, inflaciju, genocid... A percipirano iskustvo može da bude ono što se čuje i gleda u medijima. 15 Leo Kuper ed. Race, Science and Society, The Unesco Press, Paris, 1975. Većina ovde podrazumeva one koje sam upoznala, slušala i čitala poslednjih godina a koji upotrebljavaju naziv ..otvoreno društvo” sa sigumošću i arogancijom. 17 Izdanje edition Titre. Nikole Milenkovića. is E. Roosens, Creating ethnicitv, Sage. 1989. 14 W. Sollors, The Invention of ethnicity, Oxford univ. Press, 1991. 20 P. Kmger ed., Ethnicit>' and Nationalism, Hitzeroth, Margburg, 1993. 21 Charles Jencks, What is Past Modernism? Academy editions, st, Martins Press, NY. 1993. - Jean-Francois Lyotar, La Condition Postmoderne, 1979, u R. Воупе, A Rattansi, Post Modernism and Society, Macmillan, 1993. Citirano u članku David Rieff-a, The Soros touch, The Observer magazine. 16/1/94. 24 George Soros, Opening the Soviet System, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1990. 25 George Soros, Sauver la Democratice a L" Est, Albin Michel, Paris, 1993, str. 191. 26 John Birt, Why our interviewers shouid stop sneering and start to listen, The Times, 4/2/95. 27 IAMCR Newsletter. page 23. November 1994. 28 Dante Germino. Political Philosophy and The Open Societv, Louisiana State Univ. Press. USA. 1982. 25 Karl Popper, Unended Quest. Fontana, 1982. 20 A. A. Berger, Popular Cultural Genres, Sage, 1992. ■" D. Kelly/R. Donway, Liberalism and Free Speech, Judith Lichtenberg, ed. Democracy and Mass Media, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. ” Jurgen Habermas, ‘Modernity - an incomplete project’, P. Booker, ed. Modernism/Postmodernism, Longman. 1992. 4 Francis Fukoyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Maxwell Macmillan, USA, 1992. 34 Borislav Pekić, Odmor od istorije, Bigz. 1993. ’ 5 C. Renzetti/R. M. Lee eds. Researching Sensitive Topics, social research methods policy, Sage, 1993. 56 Магу Kaldor, The lmaginary War, understanding the East-West conflict, Biackwell. 1990. 37 Мах Clifford trenutno najkomercijalniji PR ekspert u Britaniji,