Џубокс магазин

od kojih Jedan nenajavljen. „Bezimenl* Is Skoplja nisu stigli iz dosad neobjašnjenih razloga. Programom najavljeni „DeCaci sa Dunava” posvađali su se pred sam koncert pa im Je nadena zaraena: novosadskl VIS „Zlatnl akordi”. Gosti iz Sombora takođe nisu stigli. Zašto? S jedne strane postoji stalna pritužba članova vokalno-instrumentalnih grupa o tome kako nemaju gde da sviraju, kako ih poznaje mall

krug IJubitelJa ove muzike. S druge strane stojl neodgovornost Istlh grupa koje se česte ne odazivaju pozivima 111 već sklopljenlm angažmanima. Zašto „Bezimenl” nisu stlgH a Novi Sad? I zašto „Dečacl sa Dunava” nisu nastupill kad Je njihovo ime bile najavljeno a programu? Moglo bi se postaviti Joi mnogo takvih „zašto” ... Ko je kriv? Organizator ove novosadske gitariJade bio je VIS „ORFEJI” iz Subotice, taCnije šef ove grupe Duško Božić. Izuzev Cinjenice da je ranije najavljeni program pretrpeo znatne izmene, organizaciji se ne bi mogao stavitl nika kav ozbiljniji prigovor. Međutim, ko može dati odgovor na pitanje: da 11 je kriv organizator ili neodgovorni VIS-ovi? Ipak, „Orfeji” su učinill svoje. Mladi Novosadani koji su ispunili do poslednjeg mesta veliku halu Novosadskog sajma prijatno su se zabavljali puna dva i po sata. Za ovu zabavu opet je najzaslužniji VIS „Orfeji” i gostl iz Scgcdina, vokalno-instrumentalna grupa „Andeli”. Ovo nije prvi put da se „Orfeji” bave i organlzacijom. Ovaj VIS, neosporno veoma poslovan, Ima ceo svoj mall „stab”: sekretarica, advokat, blagajnik, šofer, Clanovl primaju od „Orfeja” mesecnu platu. VIS putuje svojim (gotovo svojim) autobusom: svaka relacija, bez obzira na udaljenost, košta 25.000 dinara. Autobus 1m iznajmljuje jedna subotička škola: za uzvrat „Orfeji” sviraju besplatno na njenim igrankama. Zahvaljujućl dobroj organizaciji 1 poslovnosti, kao i uzornoj đisciplini pojedinih članova grupe, „Orfeji” su od dosadašnjih prihoda uspeli da kupe prvoklasnu opremu. Ovaj VIS, koji postoji nešto više eđ godinu dana, zabeležio je velikl uspeh za vreme dvomesečnog gostovanja u Poljskoj. Ansamblu usкого predstoji јоб jedna turneja po ovoj zemIjf. Svl članovi grupe su uCenici druge godine Ekonomske škole, osim §efa grupe Duška Božića koji je službenik. Duško nema dovoljno reCl pohvale za svoje „pulene”: disciplina 1 velika radna odgovornost već su dall svoje rezultate, a vet sada nagovestavaju nove uspche. Rad đostojan svake pažnje.

Preostaje nam Јоб da vam pretstavimo članove ove grupe. Osim Duska Božića koji svira na bubnjevima, „Orfeji” su: LADISLAV KALMAN (ritam gitara), MARINKO RUDIC (bas gltara I vokalni solista) i GEZA KATANA (solo gitara). Ambicija, poslovnost i radna disciplina moraju datt svoj doprinos uspehu. Primer „Orfeja” ta najbolje potvrđuje. V. M.

Duško Božić, šef i babnjar „Orfeja”

Discipline i poslovnost garancija uspeha

offer moth mother’s little heipee

What a drag it is getting old. Kids are different today I hear ev’ry mother say Mother needs something today to calm her down And though she’e not really ill There’s little yellow pill She goes running for the shelter of a mothers little helper And it helps her on her way Gets her through her busy day Things are different today I hear ev’ry mother say Cooking fres food for a husband’s Just a drag So she buys an instant cake And she burns her frozen steak And goes running for the shelter Of a mother’s litle helper And to help her on her way Get her through her busy day. Doctor please Some more of these Outhide the soor She took four more ] What a drag it is getting old. Men Just aren’t the same today I hear ev’ry mother say They just don’t appreciate that yon gel tired They’re so hard to satisfy You can transquilise your mind So go running for the shelter Of a mother’s little helper And four help you through the night Help to minimise your plight Doctor please Some more of these Outside the door She took four more What a drag it is getting old. Life’s Just too hard today I hear ev’ry mother say The pursuit of happiness Just seems a bora And if you take more of those You will get an overdose No more running for theshelter Of a mother’s little helper They Just helped you on your way Through your busy duying day.

yellow submarine Lennon (Me Cartney) In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea And he told us of his life In the land of submarines So we sailed on to the sun Till we found the sea of green And we lived beneath the waves In our yellow submarine. We all live in a yellow submarine Yellow submarine, yellow submarine We all live in a yellow submarine Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. And our friends are all aboard Many more of them live next door. And the band begins to play. As we live a life of ease Ev'ry one of us has all we need Sky of blue and sea of green In our yelloy submarine.

stupid girl I’m not talking about the kind of clothes she wears Look at that stupid girl I’m not talking about the way she combs her hair Look at that stupid girl The way she powders her nose Her vanity shows and it shows She’s the worst thing in this world Well look at that stupid girl I’m not talking about the way she digs for gold Look at that stupid girl Well i’m talking about the way she grabs and hold« I.ook at that stupid girl The way she talks about someone else That she don’t even know herself j

She’s the sickest thing in this worls Look at that stupid girl Well Pm sick and tired And i really have my doubts I’ve tried and tried But it never really works out Like a lady in waiting to a virgin queen Look at that stupid girl She bitches about things that she’s never seen Look at that stupid girl It doesn’t matter if she dyes her hair Or the colour of the shoes she wear# She’s the worst thing in this world Look at that stupid girl. Like a lady in waiting to a virgin queem Look at that stupid girl She bitches about things that she’s never seem Look at that stupid girl She puns like a pussy cat 4 Then she turns round and kisses baclß She’s the sickes thing In this world Look at that stupid girl.

lady jane My sweet Lady Jane When i see you again Your servant am I And will humbly remain Just heed this play my love On bended knees my love I pledge myself to Lady Jane. My dear Lady Anne I’ve done what I can I must take my leave For promised I am. This play is run my love. Your time has come my love I’ve pledged my troth to Lady Jane. Oh my sweet Marie I wait at your ease The sands have run out For your ladu and me. Wedlock is nigh my lova Her station’s right my love Life is secure with Lady Janne.


