A B C of modern socialism



WHAT are the causes of the industrial unrest?

They are mainly three: the increasing pressure of the wage system upon the proletariat; their resistance to that pressure; and their desire to be emancipated from the wage system that produces it.

Who are the proletariat?

The proletariat or working classes consist of those persons, numbering four-fifths of the population, who, having no property, must live by hiring out their labour-power.

What ate wages?

Wages are the price paid in the labour-market for proletarian labour reckoned as a commodity.

How ate wages fixed?

Wages are fixed in the same manner as prices in general, by the law of supply and demand.

What determines the demand for Labour?

The demand for labour is determined by its necessity in production, that is, by the use capitalists can make of it for the purpose of profit.

What determines the supply of Labour?

The supply of Labour is limited only by the