A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

iy The Epiror to the Reaper.

that is, in the fpiritual difcoveries of Chrift, which are as hands of light, by which he puts forth himfelf, and takes hold of the foul.

Who is able to comprehend the diftinct progrefs and gradations of the Holy Spirit in good minds, fo as to perceive the various improvements, meafures, and attainments, the feveral capacities, and operations, which are peculiar to each foul, in the growth of the new man? It is impoffible for us to fet the bound to fpiritual things; to limit that f{pirit in ourfelves, or others, which is the fountain of divine light, and life in all regenerated fouls, and is continually fending forth new ftreams, and frefh fucceflion of living water without ceafing.

We are too proud to underftand the condefcenfions and various communications of divine truth and goodneis to us. We therefore cannot fay all above this which we conceive is fancy, dream, and delufion; or all belowthat which we have
