A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained
What kind of Principle eternal Natureds. 75
© out this principle of pure nature, the © Holy Trinity is all pure Deity, without < any covering whatfoever ; whereas in this © principle, the Deity is clothed upon with © eternal humanity ;’ which conjunction of the Deity with humanity, is the greateft myftery, next to that of the Holy Trinity ; by means of which the Holy Trinity convey their pure Deity, which is all life, power, and virtue, through the principle of eternal, Nature.
Secondly, The ufefulnefs of eternal Nature’s principle appears, in that it is become the palace and habitation of the Holy Trinity. Gad’s jirft and moft glorious palace is the fill eternity, or the eternal world which be generated out of bimfelf, that it might be the firft and moft proper habitation for himfelf; but his fecond palace or dwelling-place is the principle of eternal Nature.
Thirdly, The ufefulnefs of eternal Nature appears, in that it is God’s workhoufe, wherein the great and wonderful potter has Jaid up not only a fufficiency of materials, but.alfo of tools and inftruments for all creations. Here is the great and univerfal treafury of that clay of which all
D2 things