A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained
What kind of Principle eternal Nature is. 77
Sixthly, In the fixth and laft place, Eternal Nature’s principle is the field wherein is bid the ineftimable pearl of the Holy Trinity: it is the cabinet wherein is contained the jewel of wonder, namely, the Deity in pure bumanity: Whofoever it is that finds this pearl, does, together with it, find all the wonders of the Holy Trinity. «Ihe pearl indeed is one thing, and the field or rich cabinet another, yet is both field and cabinet very ufeful to keep and conceal the precious ftone of eternal Wifdors, which is faft locked up in this cabinet, and lies deep buried in this field, and whofoever will find it muft dig deep for it.
But you will fay, where thall I find this field? I anfwer, the field is thyfeif: if thou cant find in thyfelf the union of fire and light, and thefe two qualifying together in one effence, then thou haft met with the place where this noble fione is bid, and thou need not feek any further. And thus much fhall fuffice concerning the principle of eternal Nature. I fhall now proceed to the laft part of this difcourfe, concerning God’s introducing of himfelf into eternal Nature.
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