A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained
Pp R BP A CUE, “svh
The way to profit in reading thefe + writings, is to be poffeffed with patience, our minds ftanding in finglenefs and fimplicity, and in this frame of mind to feek diligently, pray earneftly, and to refign up our wills entirely to the guidance and conduct of the Divine Love.
An earneft defire, and induftry, mo { ufually prevails to the obtaining the defired end, when floth and negligence meets with difappointment and fhame.
Let us then humble ourfelves under the fenfe of our mifery, and fubmit to the mortifying our corrupt wills, and proceed on to experience a feparation or cleanfing from all filthinefs of the flefh, and more fecret defilements of the fpirit; through the power and energy of the heavenly fire, the divine life, the breath or word of God: That knowing a death unto fin, we may alfo know a life unto righteoulnefs, which in the true heavenly procefs being offered up to God as an. acceptable facrifice ; &
. perma-