A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

36 Confiderations on the Scope *

the Son of God, the heart, by eternal generation to all eternity; as our Lord faid, **°My Father worketh hitherto, and I *© work.”

‘Third, The bitter or anguifh fountain fpirit (a caufe of the mind, fenfes and thoughts; a triumphing exaJting of joy to the higheft degree, to trembling in its own quality) it forms all forts of red colours in its own quality ; in the fweet quality white and blue; in the aftringent, green, dufky ~ and mixt colours. But if it be moved too much, it kindles the fweet and aftringent, and all: becomes a raging, tearing, ftinging, burning poifon ; like the foment of a plague fore When enkindled in the hellifh property, it extinguifhes the light, perverts the fweet quality into loathfome itink ; the aftringent into fharp, dark coldnefs; alfo four, rank, bitter fiercenefs to all eternity; when enkindled in the -heavenly power, it is the fpirit of the jealous, zealous, unquenchable wrath of God: as in Lucifer and his legions. =

Fourth, Heat producing light, the true beginner of life, and of the true fpirit of life. It kindles all the qualities, and generates the light in therm, whence exift the
