A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained
44: Confiderations- on-the- Seope
the feparator (the Father of-nature) to generate-metals, medicinal earths, efflux of fountains, hot-and fanative baths, &c.
Lafily, it is demonftrated by every man and other living creature, from youth to giving up the ghoft; as alfo by vegetables, minerals, Sec. from their dwelling in the fperm or feed, to their maturity and declining : who-all' by the due temper, vioJent-extream, or fading ofthis {pirit, have the proportion of increafe, or declination to nullity; for this, as a weather-glafs or index, fhews their degrees of vigour or Janguifhing. But let it fuffice no longer to hold a candle to the. fun, which,in conjunction, with Mars, is in the out-birth the great inftrument which doth abundantly demonftrate and figure this fourth fpirit, andon the fourth day: was the fun created or en‘kindled. Fhe four firft fpirits; thus diftinétly known;. open to us, among many others, the {crip tures following :
‘© This is the condemnation, that.light‘© is come into the world, and men love s¢- darknefs rather thanJight, becaufe their ‘* deeds are evil,” Johniii. 19, tan