A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained
46 Confiderations on the Scope
fice gave itfelf up in a flame (as of love) to afcend, leaving only its athes, which (till then) were its impediments, fo is the foul that is enkindled with the fire of love to God.
** Indignation and wrath, . tribulation ** and anguifh, on every foul of man that “* doth evil,” Rom. ii. 8, 9g. Thefe are the four murdering fpirits. «* But glory, “‘ honour, and peace, to every one that ** worketh righteoufnefs, &c.” verfe 10, Here are the three Jaft fpirits of the feven, namely, the fitth, the light or love fire, fignified by glory. The fixth, the found or fpirit enabling to heavenly fongs of praife, fignified by honour. And the feventh, the body or fabbath, in which all the other fix fpirits, being by the fifth and fixth brought into harmony, do inhabit, reft and dwell, fignified by peace.