A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained
52 _Confiderations on the Scope
** and glory, .an everlafting kingdom,” verfe 14, 27. Here is the fifth form, namely, the enkindling of the light fignified, reprefented alfo by the four winds of heaven, four wings of a fowl, and four heads, verfe 2, 6.
Thus Lazarus having laid in the grave four days, the true light raifed him, John deat re
They are figured by four chariots, Zech. vi. 2, 3. but horfes of three of them of different colours one from the other; but the fourth was of horfes of different colours among themfelves, namely, grizled and bay, expounded by the angel to be four fpirits of the heavens, which go forth from ftanding before the God of the whole earth.
Will any think it to be without a myftery, that Elifha was wrath with Joafh king of Tirael, for fmiting on the ground three times, faying, ‘* Thou fhouldeft have «¢ {mote five or fix times, then had{t thou ‘© fmote the Syrians till thou hadit con“* fumed them,” 2 Kings xiii. rg. for the prophet had promifed he fhould confume them. But Joafh being held by his wickednefs, in the four firft forms, {mote but