A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

74 Confiderations on the Scope

mon afhes into a lucid and tranfparent body.

So may our vile bodies. by the procedure of the fecond work, (the refurrection) be tranflated into a clarified chryftalline temple, for our immenfe glorified fouls, and they both be the hallowed habitation of our refigned, humble, divinely irradiated {pirits.

And our illuftriated afhes, glorified fouls, and meek human fpirits (being firft cloathed with the robe of Chrift’s richteoufnets, and heavenly humanity the virgin of Gad’s wifdom) will be both fuitable guefts for the. New Jerufalem, fas a bride adorned for her hufband, and alfo be the eternal temples for the Holy Ghoft.

Thus has been given a glimpfe what the fecond principle is in itfelf, and what its operations are in us as to our firft principle. It now refts to fearch what it is in the third principle in us, and in the whole creation.

In us, it is our principle of divine underftanding, directing to know cur Creator, the end oi our creation, and wherein lies our true good. The eye thus enlightened

informs the afiections, that from the reafon Cs oie offered