A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

978 Confiderations on the Scope

paft, things to come as if prefent; it fees the out-birth brave with a borrowed goodnefs only intrufted to it, to fhadow the glory and grace of the true fountain of goodnefs. It fees the world on fire, the heavens rolled up, the Lord fitting on his judgmentthroge; fees the tgumph of the humble, and,.tremblings of,proud. s for things vifible, the glory of the vifible heavens figuring that of the true ‘heavens, the earth that of the divine faliter. It is. true, in this dead earth the furviving relics of good ftrive to produce perfect bodies of feveral kinds, but the curfe hinders. It would have Paradife bud and bear fruit, holy and pure productions every where, but it cannot, for death is entered at the door opened by the firtt Adam. ; Had indeed life been received, as offered

by the fecond Adam, Paradite might well have bloffemed in the out-birth, and his kingdom have come with power in every place, as it did at his transfiguration. His kingdom might have come on earth as it is in heaven, where Paradife might have

flourifhed. 4th