A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacos BenMEn’s Writings. 93

deep, the Word fpake the aftral heavens, the feven planets after the properties of the feven fountains, and all the other {tars and the terreftial ball, after the infinite variety of the properties.

The creation.

Alfo out of the holy element and the aftral birth, came the four elements, and out of the elements the tranfitory creatures. Some bare the figure of the firft four forms feparated from the light, as venemous creatures, toads, torpedo’s, &Xc. from the anguifh: Scorpions, fpiders, bafilifks, 8c. from the fire;- for every property would be creaturely. Some alfo figures the fecond principle in innocency, meeknefs, and love; as lambs, doves, &c.

Man created God’s image, and what that was.

Then in the throne of fecluded Lucifer and his angels, the Word fpake man, fuch an image of God, as might not only be the fecond race of intellectuals ; but a compleat image of all the three principles. Thatis, his foul out of the firft principle or dark power world ; his fpirit out of the fecond, the
