A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

106 = Confiderations en the Scope

Anfwer. The Lord fpeaks nothing in vain, and he it was that faid, * God is ** able of thefe ftones to raife children unto ** Abraham.” But

It is likewife anfwered, that though the above arguments may challenge the force of demonftration to enlightened reafon ; yet becaufe the fenfes often make mutinous refiftance to folid reafon, the fenfes fhall be gratified by what follows, as far as the fublimity of the fubjeé&t may expofe itfelf to the view and touch.

Demonftrations to the fenfes of a virgin propagation.

Demonftration the firft. Lieht (with little lofs) penetrates glafs fo plentifully, as it Can improve generation by contraétion of its central and original property through burning glaffes, by which alfo it can deftroy; and we fee light, not only walking through chryftal, but multiplying by the motion,

And can any think Adam’s pure body (while capable of eternity) had not lefs in it obftructive to his magical will, for divine employment; or rather more affifting power, than condenfed ponderous glafs or
