A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

126 — Confiderations on the Scope

The fecond Adam and holy feed, not only came in the fulnefs of time into (or in) the womb of the virgin Mary when he took flefh, but at the inftant of Adam’s fall, at the Father’s in-fpeaking, did implant himfelf to overthrow the work ot the devil.

And ftood at the door of Adam and Eve, and always ftands at the door of every child of theirs, none excepted, in the light of their life: preaching falvation ; and with the mighty power of God reproves fin: convinces of righteoutinefs : judges difobedience: and warns all, more or lefs, of the judgment to come.

This. living Word, or ** Word of life(a),” has called itfelf by feveral names, for all names are in it. It is ** the refiner’s <¢ fire (2): the Jight that fhineth in dark© nefs (c): Emanuel (2), or God with us (e): the Saviour (f): the Hope of “© Tfrael (g): the Rock of ages (4): the s« Redeemer (z) : ' Love (k), Wifdom, ** Righteoufnefs (/): the holy Thing (m) : ss and Life eternal (#),” wherever, and in



Pie Johni. (4) Mal. iii. 2. (c) Johni. 5. (4) Ma, vit. 34.

fz) Matt.i.23. (/) Jer. xiv.8. (g) Atts xxvii. 20. | ae uxvi. 4. and x Cor. x. 4. (i) Ifa. xli, rq. (4) John iv. 16, (1) 1 Cor, i, 30. (m) Lukei. 95, (2) John vi.