A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacos BeumeEn’s Writings. 13%

upon him, he took it out of all the virgin Mary’s effences; as well thofe of her foul, given her out of the firft principle, and thole of her fpirit given her out of the {econd, as thofe of her body out of the third. principle. All which foul, body, and {pirit were propagated by her immediate parents, Joachim and Anna.

Fourth confideration. We are to know, the Lord deftroyed not thofe effences; for he came not to deftroy, but took them as they were. And by the divine new man which he brought with him, and which himfelf was, refined and fanctified them: Iz them to work their and our eternal falvation. Fifth confideration. We cannot fay there was no evil in the root of the effences he took from the virgin Mary, as mentioned above. But his divine conception exempting him from any the leaft impreffion, ftain, or fpot, did clarify and illuftrate them, as fire does iron, the tinéture does metals, or the fun tranfmutes the harfh, four and ill properties of fruit.

Sixth confideration. We are not to doubt whether the Lord took a human {oul from the virgin or no, about which many have

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