A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

138 © Confiderations on the Scope

St ea ee C HA Pp, XXII.

Of the heavenly new Man, or divine Humanity of Jefus Chrift; or what ir is, and how to be participated of by us.

T is written, that ye put off, the old:

man: and be renewed, &c. ‘and that ye put on the new man; which (atter God) is created in righteoufnefs and-true holinefs, Eph. iv. 22, 2°93) 24.

Queft. What is this new man which we are to put on?

Anfw. It is Jes Chrift.. As itis written, ‘* Put on the Lord Jefus-Chrift, 8c. Row hRitisurg. + So are swe faid to be eloathed upon with our houfe which js from heaven,. called a building of God, 2 Cor.. Vv. 1, 2. So we find cloathed with humility, cloathed with henour, cloathed with fhame, Pfalm civ. 1. cix. 29. intended not as a covering but as tranfmutation of us from one Contrary to another, as the woman cloathed” with the fun; her divine light inftead of her darknefs,
