A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

140 Confiderations on the Scope

ly humanity of Jefus Chrift, being the humble pure virgin of wifuom which <\dam loft, and as it were died to him, as dilappearing: and retired into its own ether.

The firft Adam had, as it were, repudiated this holy image; this is by the fecond Adam, the Lord from heaven, reftored to his, and in his to ovr, earthly humanity. it was his, at the inftant chat the Holy Ghoft overfhadowed the virgin Mary: It is ours, when by the Holy Gholt we are begotten again, by ingenerating what Adam had bolted up in death to him, and that divine image is awakened and ftirred up in us from the ingratted feed.

Of this let none marvel that my weak hand begs ftrength, and delights to {peak , for this is that dear precious image of virginity, purity and modefty, whoie eternal, perteG, iweet love, was by apoitate Adam, exchanged for the luft of a woman, and which foon.fwayed him to mortality.

This, as the fun to the outward world, would have been man’s guide ; being herfelf out of the abyfs of infinite Wildom. This, the promifed feed bringing with him,
