A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacon Benmen’s Writings. - 147

~ AGr, ta, a ies XXIIL

Man’s miftaken way towards a fuppofed happinels.

HE ftate ot the children-of Adam

is the fame with thofe defcribed. by the prophet Hofea, ** Behold I will hedge “* up thy ways with thorns, and wall a ** wall, that fhe fhall not find her paths: and fhe fhall follow after her lovers, but fhe fhall not overtake them ; and fhe fhall feek them, but the fhall not find them. Then fhall fhe fay, I will go and return to my firft hufband.; for then it was better with me than now,” Hof. ii. 6, 7. And God proceeds: againft the apoftate adultrefs to the end of verfe 133 but in verfe 14, and to the end of the chapter, returns her to him, &c.

Wife men in every eration, have fought in the treafures of Creation for real happinefs and reft. And after they have dived into the deep; ranfacked the many

my fteries










