A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacop Beumen’s Writings. 149

fill are, who ceafing from things vifible, are guided to things eternal. -

The way to true wifdom.

Our lefion is, as to the wifdom of this world to become fools, and as fuch, to crucify our wills to the lufts of the eye, lufts of the flefh, and pride of life. And > as little children who will nothing but the fupply of neceffities, and without contract, bargain or regret, do what the Father bids: His will being their principle. And as a reward of their refigned obedience, they know no perplexing cares, forecafting fears, crafty excufes, nor diftimulation, malice, &c. But have a calm ferene face, a peaceable contented mind, a chearful innocent behaviour while awake: and when they lic down, fall fweetly afleep.