A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

156. Confiderations on the Scope

God is called God according to his infinite aby{s of light, love, life, goodnefs, and the fecond principle: For aceording to the fit principle, he is, and in {cripture is called, a confuming fire.

Man living to the cheating pleafure of the third principle is dead, as the widow is faid to be who lives in pleafure.

We ftartle at being adulterers, idolaters, &e. yet fo we are while we live: that is, until we die with Chrift.

Until we pafs through death, that is, truly and really die to the wrath, fercenefs, and dark anguifh of the firft principle, in which is the root of the foul, as to the Father’s property. And until we die to the deceitful, volatile, bewitching luft of the third Principle, whereinto man’s outward body, like thofe of the beafts, is fallen; wherein-alfo lodges the curfe. [UnTIL THIS BE] we are dead as to God. But being mortified to both thefe, we are in the fame degree raifed again to live the life of Chrift: A life of love, humility, patience, chearful fubmiffion and obedience, and we extend, afcend, or abtain the fame, as our progrefs is in the abovementioned death,
