A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

14 Of God’s firft Manifeftation


Of God’s firft manifeftation of himfelf in the Trinity.

OD is the will of the wifdom : the wifdom is his manifeftation.

2. In this eternal generation we are to underftand three things: namely, x. An eternal will. 2. An eternal mind of the will. 3. The egrefs, efflux, or effuence from the will and mind, which is a {pirit of the will and mind.

3. The will is the Father: the mind is the conceived comprehenfion, or receptacle of the will, or the centre to fomething ; and it is the wills heart, that is the Son of God : and the egrefs of the will and mind, is the power and {pirit.

4. This threefold {pirit, or three in one, is one only effence; an original of the fomething :. and yet it.is the myftical myftery, or eternal hiddennefs, and (as the underftanding of man is not confined in time and place, but is its own comprehenfion and feat, fo) the egrefs of the {pirit, is the eteraal original contemplation,

5. Tha