A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

16 Uf the manifold engendering


Of the endlefs and numberlefS manifold engendering of pure eternal nature before and after the fall of Lucifer.

i EADER, underftand and confider my writings aricht. We have no power or ability to fpeak of the birth of the Deity, for it never had any beginning from all eternity: but we have power to fpeak of God our Father, what he is, and how the eternal geniture is, and of the nativity, birth, and working of nature.

2. And though ir is not very good for us to know the avftere, earneft, {trong, fierce, fevere, and original birth of nature, as it came to be feparated, and firft manifetted by the apoftafy of Lucifer; and into the knowledge, feeling, and comprehenfibility of which our firft parents brought upon themfelves, and upon us their pofterity, through the poifoning venom, and infection they received, by the inftigation and deceit of the devil: yet we have very great need of this knowledge, that we thereby may learn to know the devil, who
