A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

The Fall of Lucifer. 39

37. If therefore you will fpeak or think of God, you muft confider that he is All: and you muft fearch further into the three principles, wherein you will find what Gcd is. You will find what the wrath, the devil, fin and hell are; alfo what the angels, man, and beafts are, and how the feparation from the one pure element, and variation followed. You will find from whence all things have thus proceeded, and likewife the creation of this world.

38. Only, dear Reader, I will admonith you fincerely, that if you be not in the way of the prodigal or loft fon, returning to his father again, you had beft leave my books, they will do you harm: for fatan, the great prince, will not forbear to deceive you, becaufe he ftands naked in thefe books before the children of God, and is put to open fhame before them for his mifdeeds. Therefore, if you be in his fervice, and love and favour the tender, delicate, beaftial fleth ftill, do not read my books, they will do you harm; but if you will not take warning, and a mifchief befalls you, I will be guiltlefs, blame nobody but yourfelf: for I write down what I know at this prefent time, for a memo-

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