A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

The Fall of Lucifer. 4t

and a confuming fire: And this fource is the firft principle, and that is God the Father in the originality, or firft manifeftation of himfelf, at the beginning in creation. 41. All the angels [of whom Lucifer and his hofts were part] as alfo the foul of man, are out of the fame fpirit. The angels were firft created, and continued therein at the time of their being made corpoporeal, [but with the light of the fecond principle] : And the foul of man is breathed in from the Spirit of God, in the time of the creation of the body in the one pure element, which is the root of the third principle [or this outward world]. And all continue in that firft principle and fource of life in eternity ; infeparably, unmoveably, in the eternal original effence of God the Father: and as little as the indiffoluble band of the Father can end, or vanifh ; fo little alfo will any of thefe fpirits. have an end.

42. And in this firft principle, prince Lucifer, at the extinguifhing in himfelf the light of the fecond principle, continued; and is ever the fame abyfs of hell ; wherein the foul alfo continues which ex-

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