A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

The Fail of Lucifer. 47

gi. We pray, ‘¢ Our Father, which art sin heaven; hallowed be thy name :” and in the firft of Genefis it is written ;: * God created the heavens. out of the “ midit of the water :” by which is meant the heaven of the third principle [or this world] yet created out of his own heaven, or the eternal pure element. Thus you may eafily find that the manifeftation of the pure Deity in the birth or begetting of the holy Trinity, ftands in the fource of water, in the light of the Son ;. and moreover that the powerful fpirit is therein, the’ former, framer, and fafhioner of all things ;, and thus from the heaven in this forming, or framing,. is the eternal pure holy element, and the framing and generating out of it, in infinitum, is the Paradife of God : and,, as the highly worthy Mofes. writes, ‘« the Spirit of God moved upon. the wa-. * ter,” [of the dark chaos, after the falli ef Lucifer} in the framing, forming, or fafhioning of the third principle, namelys. this ,world..

52. This is, and continues fo in its eternity; namely, that the Spirit of God, in the birth of the Son of God, moves upon: the water; for he is the virtue, and out-

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