A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

68 Of the Separation in the Creation of

Word, both from the property of the [four firft forms or} dark world, and alfo of the light world: and therefore the outward effence of this world is good and evil.

10. We are not to think, that there is the like in heaven, or in the pure eternal element, [that is, in the {piritual world] for in the fpiritual world there are only the properties of poffibilicy, but not at all manifeft in fuch a harfh property ; but are as it were {fwallowed up; as the light iwallows up the darknefs, and yet the darknefs really dwells in the light, but is not apprehended.

11. When the fpeaking eternal word in Jove and anger [for Lucifer’s malicious iniquity fake] did move itfelf in the properties; mamely, in the effence wherein Lucifer fat, [in his angelica] form in the good, holy effence, as to the generation of the divine mecknefs} to caft this wicked gueft out of his pure habitation, into eternal darknefs; tor God would not befeem that he fhould any longer have thofe manitefted powers wherein he was a prince; then the effence was compacted, and thofe
