A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

102 ~ Of Paradife.

it anew in God, and then it becomes a paradificai child, who gets the key of Paradife, and that foul fees into the midft thereof.

to. But the grofs body cannot fee into it, becaufe it belongs not to Paradife: it belongs to the earth, and muft putrify and rot; and rife ina new virtue and power in Chrift ; at the end of days: and then it may alfo be in Paradife, and not before: it muft lay off the third principle: namely, .this fkin or covering which father Adam and mother Eve got into, and in which they fuppofed they fhould be wife by wearing all the three principles manifeftedon them. Oh that they had preferred the wearing two of the principles hidden in in them, and had continued in the principle of light: it had been good for us. But of this I purpofe to fpeak hereafter when I treat about the fall.

11. Thus now inthe effence of all effences, there are three feveral diftinét properties, with one fource or property far from One another; yet are not parted afunder,. but are in one another as one only effence ; neverthelefs the one does not comprehend the other: as in the three elements,

fire, air, water; all three are in one another, but
