A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

104 Of Adain’s State before bis Eve

CH “AP, X.

Of the paradifical dominion, life, and condition, fhewing how it fhould have been if Adam had not fallen.

1. ¥ Know the Sophift will kere cavil at

me; and cry it down as a thine impoffible for me to know; being I was noc there, and faw it myfelf: To him I fay, that 7 in the effence of my foul, and body, when I was not yet I, but when Iwas in Adum’s lence, was there and did myfelf fool away my glory in Adam, but being Chrift has reftored it againunto me, J fee in the Spirit. of Chrift what 1 wes in Paradife, and what 1 am now in fin, and what I fhall be again: therefore let none cry it out as a thing unknowable; fer although indeed I know it not; yet ¢Ze Spirit of Chrift knows it in me; from which knowledge I fhall write.

2. Adam wasaman, and alfoa woman, and yet none of them diftinét; but a virgin full of chaftity, modefty, and purity, namely the image of God: He had both
