Анали Правног факултета у Београду, 01. 01. 1974., стр. 281


IN MEMORIAM Ар Борислав Благо јевић: Ар Милан Бартош 271 Др Арагаш Др Мустафа Камарић 273 Ар Мехмед Беговић: Др Алија Силајџић - 274 CONTENTS ARTICLES Dr Vojislav Simović: Problems of contemporary constitutional regulation of electoral system and delegatory system 1 Dr Smilja Avramov: Hans Kelsen biography and scientific opus • 21 Dr Jelena Danilović: Contract in Roman classical law 31 Dr Obren Stanković: Increase of income owing to the increase of cost of living, decrease of purchasing value of money and increase of earnings 65 Dr Tereza Rob ska: Current juridical problems of administration of state economy in National of Poland —•— 85 Dr Miodrag Trajković: Dilemmas in international air law 93 Dr Ivo Grabovac: Limitation of responsabilit3 r of navigators per unit of cargo in the transport of contrainers 109 Dr Mladen Draškić: Compensatory sale right to remplacement 121 Dr Zlatija Đukić-V el jović: Constitutional juridical problems of division of functions between federation and federative units 135 CONTRIBUTIONS Mr Stanko Pihter: General caracteristics in the development of criminal Law in Serbia from 1815 until the codification in 1860 147 Mirjana Tomić: Legal caracter of the decision about location 168 Borislav Đukanović i Milka Đorđević: Influence of the alcoholism of the father on the mental disturbance of the children 175 JUDICIAL DECISIONS Mr Luka Dragojlović: Antecedent and subsequent administrative dispute according to the law of administrative disputes 189 Radmila Petaković: The claim for establishment in administrative procedure 194 DISCUSSION Discussion about the platform for the 10th congress of O.L.J. 198 REVIEWS Dr Dragoljub Dimitrijević: Hellmer Joachim, Kriminalitätsatlas der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und West Berlin • 258 Dr Dragaš Denković: Guy Braibant, Nicole Questiaux, Céline Wiener; Le contrôle de l’administration et la protection des citoyens Etude comparative 259 Dr Đurica Krstić: Byzantine provintial administration in the times of Paleologists 264 NOTES Mirjana Pajvanić i Mir j ana Tomić: Consultation about the organisation of self-government and marxist education of the University 267 IN MEMORIAM Dr Borislav Blagojević: Dr Milan Bartoš —• 271 Dr Dragaš Denković: Dr Mustafa Kamarić 273 Dr Mehmed Begović: Dr Alija Silajdžić 274