Assyrian texts : being extracts from the Annals of Shalmaneser II., Sennacherib, and Assur-bani-pal. : with philological notes : by E. A. Budge




saM-e, “heaven.” Comp. Heb. 𒌵 PAZ(?)-EDINNA, lit., “desert asses.” Semitic wmire-tsere. paz (2?) = imiru, “ass.” Heb. WT. edinna = tsi-ext. Dr. Delitzsch compares an Arabic 𒃷 𒆃 and quotes the Heb. sny. But according to Gesenius (7heasaurus, p. 116 3) sng means “white” (candidus), and goes on to say that it is used of “white asses,” z.¢., reddish with white spots, the colour which eastern nations think very highly of when found in asses, elephants, and camels. Hence this species of ass may be meant by the composer of these annals. BAR-KAK = ¢sad7, W.A.J., ii. 6, 14. Heb. 28. dasu, W.A.T., ii. 6, 16. Heb. WW",

. mala, “all.” Heb. N22 |

basu, “existing,” partic. Kal from verb dasz, “to be.” 2ma-l1b62z, “in the midst.” Heb. 𒋗𒁈

. I x 100 ¢asbu. The casbu = 14 miles (Sayce).

kakkaru for karkaru. Comp. Heb. 𒊩𒁹

TA = zst#, “from;” a variant gives atu.

ninua, D.S., “ Nineveh.” Biblical 𒐈𒐚𒋡𒊒

ALU, “city.” Comp. Heb, 98, “a tent” or “dwelling-place.”

*na-ram, “exalted,” “chosen.” Niphal deriv. from va@mu, “to be high.” Heb. an.

D.P. “Istar,” one of the great goddesses worshipped by the Assyrians, daughter of Sin, the Moon god, and wife of Bel. The Biblical 𒇺𒁇𒇺𒋡

kiuwrat, synonym of assatu, “wife.” Heb. WR, WAZ, ii. 36, 43.

D.P. “Bel.” Biblical 72. One of the chief gods of the Assyrian Pantheon, See Lenormant, La Magie, pp. 105, 144.

. ZIN = tseru, “ over,” “against,” but a variant reads arcu, “after.”

* Or probably “loved,” Niph. of OF.