Bhagavad-Gítá or the sacred lay ; a colloquy between Krishna and Arjuna on divine matters : an episode from the Mahabharata, стр. 10
as forming no integral portion of the poem, and belonging to an age when it had attained an extreme value, and was held in almost as great reverence as were the Vedas themselves.
2. At the beginning of Chapter XIII., the Paris MS., D, has an additional shloka, evidently inserted by some studious and verse-making copyist who did not see his way very clearly through the explanations contained in this Chapter. It runs thus:
॥ अजन उवाच ॥ ४ + य = © = = प्रति पुरुषं चेव चेच त्ते चज्ञमेवच ।
=. o Sy 0 x एतदेदितुमिच्छामि ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं च कंशव ॥
Chapter. |Shloka Bonn Edition of 1846. Other Readings, | Found in
= = ९ |fCaleutta edition of ` | 8 | सौमदस्िथैवच | सैमदत्तिजेयद्रयः 1/4 Do. and No. 5 MS. 2 37 सनान्ववान्. स्वनान्ववान्. | in . 1. House. i(Caleutta edition of प || 14 | ऽनित्याः नित्याः | Bhagavad-Gita | = Cale ; Cale. ed. प्प | %8 | वतेच वतं {445 र | 26 | यतीनां यनिनां Calcutta edition + = ~> | (09९, ०१.; (6. त, ष्ण | 89 | एतं मे एतन्म(= एतद् + म) ग Schol. vr | 8 | चेतसानन्यगामिना | चेतसानान्यगामिना (4 1 (१. » | 19 | अवशः वशः Calentta edition , | 0 | ऽव्यक्तो क्तात् | व्यक्तो ऽव्यक्तात् Caleutta”edition