Bhagavad-Gítá or the sacred lay ; a colloquy between Krishna and Arjuna on divine matters : an episode from the Mahabharata, стр. 16


those doctrines, and are rewarded by final emancipation, after a greater-or less number of transmigrations. In this shloka he speaks of the lower orders, as Vaishyas and Shudras, who, being ignorant of the pure Sanskrit tongue, could learn these doctrines only from the mouth of their instructors the Brahmans, and from the inferiority of the knowledge, would be rewarded only by a residence in the material worlds of the deities. Compare

the note on this passage in my translation.

I have now done enough to weary the reader with pedantic niceties, which can interest but a few, and those rather of a German than an English turn of mind. It is, however, the duty of an Editor to state and defend the corrections which he makes in the work of his predecessors, and it is the privilege of the

reader to pass over whatever he chooses.

Parts, April, 1855.