Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking


present day. It was St. Boniface who introduced the Benedictine Rule in this Abbey.

September 20,1927: Inaugural Day of the Catholic University of Peking. The ceremony was held in the University Chapel, in the presence of the Faculty, students, and many distinguished guests. Addresses were given by their Excellencies the Apostolic Delegate and the Minister of Education. A full account of this ceremony is given in the first article of the present Bulletin.

October 20, 1927: Second Inspection of the University by Messrs. W ang Chia-chii and Hsii T’ing-ta, officials of the Ministry of Education. This second Inspection was necessitated by the fact that the first Inspection on July 2, 1927, had taken place at a time when the classes were no longer in session.

November 3, 1927: Date of Ministerial Mandate No. 526, by which the Chiao Yii Pu granted the petition of the Catholic University of Peking (Per-ching Fu Jen Ta-hstieh) for Registration and State Recognition.

November 20, 1927: The Rt. Rev. Chancellor, Archabbot Aurelius, O.S.B., visited Milwaukee and secured His Grace, the Most Reverend Sebastian Messmer, D.D., as a member of the Advisory Board. At the advice of His Grace, the Missionary Association of Catholic Women rendered very substantial assistance toward the increase of the University’s accommodations.

December 1, 1927: Date of the government examination of the students of the Catholic University of Peking. The examiners commissioned by the Minister of Education (the Rt. Hon. Mr. Liu Chih) to hold this examination were the following: Messrs. Yang Lien; Yen Shih; Chou Ming-k’e; Chou K’ai-chun; T’ao Liang; Chang Jen-fu; Wang Tsu-yi; Wang Shou-tui; Wen T’ao; T’an K’ung-hsin, and Ch’en Jen-li. Of the 105 students who took the examination, all but 22 passed successfully.

January 14, 19028: @losing ceremony for the end of the first semester held in the Study Hall. The students were addressed by the Rector, Dr. O'Toole, and by the Vice-Rector, Mr. Ch’en Yiian.

January 17,1928: Departure of Dom Damian Whelan, O.S.B., for Kobe, whence he sailed for Los Angeles on the SS. President Grant.

February 27, 1928: Arrival at the University of Dom Theodore Brecker, O.S.B., a missionary from the circuit of Yen Chiand I Lanin Manchuria. Dom Theodore studied Philosophy and Theology at Munich. Later he entered the University of Berlin where he studied under the world-famed orientalist Dr. Haenisch, and received