Chinese and Sumerian
SIM, to name. V2d. SA.
(4) NAM (= SHAM, SAM), governorship, governor ; pasha, pashalik ; province, district, territory, or the like. 2088. Cognate with NANGA, district, land, region, country (zagé#). NAM = NAG, NANG. CG KA-NAG, KA-NAGGA (NANGA), | land,
(5) NAM, a word, command, or decree of the gods; and so the fate, destiny, or lot of men and things. 2103. Cognate with NIM zz I-NIM, E-NEM, word; INIM-INIM, word repeated = spell, incantation.
(6) NAM, NA, obstruction, opposition, rebellion; sin; punishment; toil; trouble; hardship; calamity; misfortune (annu, arnu). 2094f; BPS. 13. Governorship; governor ( p2hatu): vid. supra 2099. (Pictogram: a kind of bird. See No.2 supra; Sign-list, No. 34.)
NE, this. 4573. Cf NA; GE, GU,
this; SHI, that.
zang, yong, ziafig, A. nyong, to clamour, bawl, shout; 5566.
nung, lung, to talk, gabble; bawl; 8410.
hsing, sing, hsin, surname. 4599. ning, 2a, 8325.
shén, shém, lem, K. sim, J. shin, A. t'ém, to announce. 9854 (¢. P. nim, 8303).
zén, yém, nyim, zang, K. im, J. djin, nin, A. iyém, to put in office; office, appointment, official post. 5615.
na, nap, lap, to be appointed. To pay. 8106. (p =b =m.)
shéng, shang, siang, sang, a province, e.g. one of the 18 of China. 9887.
zang, yong, siong, yong, ziae, the earth ; soil; district, territory. 5567. O.S. nyang, nang, nam.
ning, lin, K. yong, J. dei, nid, to order ; to enjoin. 8330. (nim, lim, dim.) Cf ling, K. ry6ng, yong, J. rei, ryd. 7199.
nan, nam, lam, nang, to repeat, say over and over; chatter. 8129; cf nan, nam, noise of talking, 8134.
nien, nym, lien, nieng, ngiam, ngieii, ngi, K. nyom, J. nen, ten, A. niem, to repeat from memory; é@g. nym chau (2476 = TU), to utter a charm, 8303.
nan, lan, nang, na, K. A. nan, J. dan, nan, hard; troublesome; painful; misfortune ; adversity; calamity. 8135. A species of bird. WW. p. 614; P. 1027, nan, tan; cf P. 997, yen, (tan, a swallow. (Zhe character contaims P. 472 tu-k, tu-n, ti-n, a dzrdsymbol; and so far agrees with the Sumerian NAM, No. 6, which ts the same character as NAM, swallow.)
Iwan, naung, 16, lan, K. nan, disorder ; anarchy; rebellion; rebellious. To govern; government. ead lan, misfortune. 7461.
lan, lang, la, K. nan, hinder, obstruct, bar the way. 6710; 6713.
lan, nam, lam, to stride, to step across. 6750. Cf. lan, K. nan, 6724.
lan, lam, la, K. nam, to overflow, to go to excess; straying from the path. 6728.
tzu, J.shi, A.ti, this. 12387. Perhaps also ni, I, me, 8195; ni, li, ngi, J. dji,