Chinese and Sumerian
PAN, Assyr. values also BAN, BAM, a bow. 9097; M. 6854.
PAN (BAN, BAM), a bow. BAM zs doubtless the labralized equivalent of GAM, to bend, bow down; g.v. Cf. esp. Ch. kom, kung, a bow.
PAN-PAN, inner shrine, adytum (pavakku), (Assyrian loan panpaniu-) 5650. Vid. BAR, BARA.
PAP (= BAB), father (C.7. xii. 16). (2) A male, a man, a hero, 1141; II50.
PA-TE-SI, ruler or governor. SI, SIG, ad. (Br. 3385); of. Br. 3377 (Sl=to go straight on; SI, ‘Machthaber’, BPS. 80; SI-SI, director; leader; ‘Regent’, BPS. 85; Ut. muséseru = one who makes to go straight). PATE-SI = PA(D) + TE(G) + SI(G), Sceptre-holding Director.
PESH (PISH, (BISH) Pl (Rie to increase progeny, Br. 7968), to widen or broaden; to increase or multiply (¢vans. and intr.) ; to enlarge; to extend ; tomake numerous. 6935 f. Cognate with MESH, ME, multitude ; many (Br. 10356; 10469); whech 7s the primary meaning of PESH 7m the sense of three (a very primitive use, with known parallels in the speech of modern savages): of. MUSH, 2 DUMMUSH, three.
(2) PESH (BISH, PISH), to be fat; to fatten (wsamrt,; 4. R. 9.36). 6934. Plump; stout; vigorous (Lusdbu). (Cf. BUR, oil, fat, Br. 5480 ?)
(3) PESH (BISH, PISH), strong ; mighty; great. (mamdliw.) 6933.
(ku, to sell ; read kia, ka, ko, price. 6250; 1182.)
pa, the part of a bow grasped when shooting. 8513.
péng, ping, to draw a bow to the full, 8858; péng, pen, bang, a stretched bow, 8862; P. 460: bang, bam = ban.
fén, vang, K. pun, a bowstring, 3550.
wan, to bend a bow, 12477; P. 1024 (also = man = ban, 7644; and pien = pan, 9210).
kung, from kom (R. 57) = kam, gam, a bow; curved. 6566.
fan, p‘an, a hedge, fence; an enclosed place. 3407 f.
. *fu, wu, vu, K. pu, po, a father, R. 88;
3736. O.S. bo (P.114) = ba, ba-p.
fu, vu, K. pu, a man; a hero; 3612. P. 63 pak; dy Daessemilation from pa-p?
s‘i, sze, sti, si, sa, J. shi, A. ti, to control; to preside over; minister ; superintendent; president. 10250. O.S. si-k, P. 158. (V2d. also s.v. PA, rod, sceptre.)
fei, fui, fi, K. pi, J. hi (from pi), A. fi, extended. 3494. (From pi-t: P. 155.)
pei, pui, K: pe, J. hai (pai), bai, to double; -fold (¢z tenfold, hundredfold, &c.). 8787. P.389: bi-t.—p'ei, pul, bai, bei, K. bo, J. be, to double; kiapei, to add to; to multiply. $811. P. zd. 389.
fei, p‘i, bi, vi, K. pi, J. hi (pi), A. pi, fat; plump ; robust ; rich, abundant, fertile, of land and crops; to fatten. 3484 and WW. (P. 459 bi-t > bi-k.)
pei, pi, K. pi, J. hi (pi), A. fi, great; vast; unequalled. 8818. P. 138 pit.
pei, pi, sturdy; stout; robust. Many. Cay p.671; P.138+R.9. Callery, 138.