Chinese and Sumerian


307; vid. Muss-Arn. Cf. SHAG (= SHAB, TAB, GUB?), bright, shining. (TAB, to flash, 3763, wretden Phon. with next character.)

TAB (written like the Num. two), to add to, to double, to repeat or say again (é¢épu, ruddi, sunnt), 3762; 3767; 3770. Cogn. DAG, to add to; g.v. (dialectic difference of sound ?).

(2) TAB, a double, second, or companion

(appt). 3775. Cf. DAM-TABBA,

secondary wife or concubine.

(3) TAB (=DAB;; g.2.), to take, grasp, hold (¢améahu). 3774.

TAG, to throw down and intr. to fall down (/abdégu, nad) ; to strike, break, smash, destroy (makdcgu,; napdgi). 3796; 3800; 37981. Cognatec. DUB, napacu, SP155. .

(2) TAG, to catch (fish, birds, Gc.) ; ake to DAB, DIB, seize; g.v. (da-a-rum ; bu--u-rum). 3790.

TAL, cry of woe, wailing, grief, lamentation (¢k&2l/um). 10069. Vid. SALUGUB. (Written Phon. with characters for Num. One; of. Br. 20; 26.)

TAL-TAL, The Very Wise; @ “tle of the god Aé, 12226.

TAN, avalueof the Dog-character. 11252. (Hence DYN, jackals. Vid. TASH.) TAM, TAN, values of the Sun-symbol. 7771. (TANzwMU-TAN-NA, Z@zru,

TAM zx TAMMA, ¢alému, 7921.)

TAM, uterine brother (¢al¢ému ; Sam. pn). 7921. Written with the Suncharacter. TAR, a value of the Knife-character, which has also the values KUD, SIL. 356-359.

(2) TAR, to cut off; to decide (pard'u ; parésu). 373; 375. toordain, decree (Sam). 381.

(3) TAR, to strike; to beat (¢araku). 391.

TASH, a value of the Dog-symbol, (Also



chap, Am. sap, cha, to flash, of Aghening. 179.

tap, ta, da, A. tap, dap, toaddon. 10485. of. 10483; 10497; 10499; typ, tiap, dah, tieh, to duplicate; to repeat; to fold. 11138; 11139. Cf Fap. tabi tabi, many times, repeatedly. 559; 570; 964; 4142; 11754.

t'a, J. ta, O. S. ta-p, other ; another; that, he (= ¢heother). 10508. P. 35 (dap).

ts'yp, tsiap, K. ch‘op, A. tiep, a concubine. 1572.

ch‘a, ngap, ch‘ap, A. kép, tap, to receive. 226 (kap, tap).

ch‘ak, ch‘ai, t'iak, K. tak, to break up; destroy, pull down. 254.

tap, t'at, F. t'ak, t'a, fall or sink down.

10512, tat, F. tak, t'a, beat, strike. 10532. tok, tok, cho, to rap; to beat; to strike. 2401 f.

chuk, tsuk, cho, K. ch’ak, to seize; to catch. 2406. J. saku, A. ¢vak. Cf 11320 (tot, twak).

ta, t'at, t'an, t'ak, ta, K. tal, J. tat-, tan, A. dat, grieved, distressed; to pity ; to distress. 10491.

tat, ta, K. tal, intelligent; penetrating ; clever. 10473.

tung, chong, tong, a variety of dog. WW. (=12307.)

tan, tang, dawn; day, 10633; tan, red, 10618. tung, O..S. tom, red. rd, A-DAM.

chang, chéng, Amoy tiong, chong, tsang, O..S. dom, az old name for a maternal uncle. 390.

*tau, tao, O. S. tot, knife, blade, sword. 10783. R.18; P.5 (tot; kit; sit).

ts‘ai, chai, J. sai, A. tai, O. S. tat (P. 242), to cut off; decide. 11502. Cf tiit, tot, to, K. t'al, to settle; to decide. 11320.

ta, O..S., tat, to strike. 10494; tat, tat, tak, t‘a, K.t'al, J. tat-, 2d. 10532.

tot, a value of the Dog-symbol (R. 94), as