Chinese Journal of Physiology


potassium carbonate and extracted with chloroform, only unchanged hydrobromide was recovered. With excess of potassium carbonate until saturation, the substance partially resinifies. When treated with barium hydroxide and extracted with chloroform, a new base was obtained. It crystallised out from alcohol in the form of groups of plates (see fig. 6), melting at 153°C. It was insoluble in water, and soluble in alcohol and chloroform. Its hydrobromide salt melted at 228° instead of 235°, the melting point of the hydrobromide of Corydalis H.


1. From the tubers of Chinese Corydalis (Yen-hu-so), Corydalis Ambigua, Cham et Sch. in addition to the five alkaloids already described in the last communication (1) three more new alkaloids have now been isolated and named Corydalis F, Corydalis G and Corydalis H. The first two are phenolic and the third is quarternary.

(a) Corydalis F.

CosHosOaN or CyoH2404N rhomboid crystals, m.p. 237°; (a) 25/D= —-250°.

Hydrobromide; prismatic needles, m.p. 222°.

Hydrochloride, fine needles, melts in its water of crystallisation below 100°C, then solidifies and finally melts at 234°C,

(b) Corydalis G, prisms, m.p. 237°; (a) 25/D =+ 800°; hydrobromide prisms, m.p. 247°.

(c) Corydalis H, obtained only in the form of its hydrobromide, m.p. 235°C; (aw) D=0°. When treated with barium hydroxide and chloroform, a new base was derived, melting at 153°C.

2, Two sulphates of Corydalis B have been prepared, one acid and

the other neutral, the latter is easily soluble in cold water and suitable for therapeutic use.

LITERATURE 1. Cuou, T.Q. Chinese J. Physiol,, 1928, 2, 208-218, 2, SpAtu, E., Mosettic, E. AND Ber, d. deutsch. Chem. Gesellsch., 1928, 56,

TROTHANDL, O. 875-879,