Chinese Literature

wife has told me that they are willing to pay from eighty to a hundred dollars for the right sort of woman. I’ve looked around for one for several days, but without any luck. But your wife is just the woman ve been looking for,’

“She asked me what I thought about it. It made me cry to think of it, but she comforted me and convinced me that it was all for the best.”

At this point, his voice trailed off, he hung his head and stopped. His wife looked dazed and remained speechless. There was another moment of silence before he contmued,

“Yesterday, Mrs. Shen went to see the scholar again. She came back and told me that both the scholar and his wife were very happy about the idea of having you and had promised to pay me a hundred dollars. If you bear them a child they will keep you for three years, if not—for five. Mrs. Shen has fixed the date for you to go—the eighteenth of this month, that is, five days from now. She is going to have the contract drawn up today.”

Trembling all over, the wife faltered,

‘Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”

“Yesterday I went up to you three times, but each time I was afraid to begin. But after thinking it over I’ve come to realize that there’s really nothing to be done but hire you out.”

“Has it all been decided?” asked the wife, her teeth clattering.

“There’s just the contract to be signed.”

“Oh, what a poor wretch I am! Can’t we really do anything else?”

“It’s terrible, I know. But we’re poor and we don’t want to die. What else can we do? I’m afraid this year I won’t even be asked to do any transplanting.”

‘Have you thought about Chun Pao? He’s only three. What will become of him without me?”

“Yl take care of him. You're not nursing him any longer, you know.”

He became more and more angry with himself and went out.

“Oh, what a miserable life!’ she sighed faintly yet tearlessly. Chun Pao stared at her, whimpering, “Mummy, mummy!”

On the eve of her departure, she was sitting in the darkest corner of the house. In front of the stove stood an oil lamp, its light flickering like that of a fire-fly. Holding Chun Pao close to her bosom, she pressed her head against his hair. Lost in deep thought, she seemed absolutely dead to the reality surrounding her. Later, she gradually came to, and

_ found herself face to face with the present and her child. Softly she

called him, “Chun Pao, Chun Pao!” “Yes, mummy!” the child replied.

