Chinese Literature

news. The old man and his daughter wept bitterly, and Liu’s father-inlaw said:

“He was all right when he left yesterday, and I had given him fifteen strings of cash to start a business. How did he come to be murdered ?”’

“Tt was like this,” said the messenger. “When Mr. Liu came home it was already dark and he was tipsy. None of us knew about his money, and we are not sure what time exactly he got back; but this morning we found his door ajar, and when we went in there he lay murdered on the ground, while the fifteen strings of cash were nowhere to be seen and the concubine had disappeared too. We made such a noise that Old Chu from the house on the left came out. He told us that the concubine had stayed in his house yesterday, because she claimed Mr. Liu had sold her for no reason and she wanted to go and tell her parents. She spent the night there and left early this morning. We decided that we should let you know what has happened, and men have been sent, too, to catch up with the concubine. If they don’t overtake her on the road, they will go all the way to her parents’ house; but they must bring her back to find out the truth. You and your daughter had better come back now to avenge Mr. Liu.” Mr. Wang and his daughter hastily made ready and, when the messenger had been given wine and food, hurried to the city.

Now the concubine had left Old Chu’s house early that morning to start home. She had only walked half a mile, though, when her feet started aching and she sat down by the roadside to rest. Presently a young man came down the road, wearing a cap with zigzag designs and a loose gown, clean socks and silk shoes. Over his shoulder he was carrying a bag containing cash. When he came up with the concubine he saw that, while she was no beauty, she had pretty eyebrows and good teeth,

her face was rosy and her eyes inviting. In a word, he found her quite attractive.

Men may be dazzled by a country flower, And country wine weak heads may overpower.

He put down his bag, came up to her, made a low bow and said: “Are you all alone, ma’am? May I ask where you are going?”

With a curtsey, she answered: “I am going home to my parents. Ifelt tired, so I am taking a rest.” Then she asked: “Where are you from, sir, and where may you be going?”

Clasping his hands before him, the young man answered respectfully : “T come from the country. I have just sold silk in the city and got some cash which I am taking to Chuchiatang.”

“Why, my parents live near Chuchiatang! I would like it so much if you could walk with me for part of the way.”
