Chinese Literature

money to him. And when Tsui’s former master, the Prince of Hsienan, heard of the general’s poverty, he also sent a messenger with money to him. This messenger passed through Tanchow; he was the. man who saw Tsui on the road from Hsiangtan and followed him all the way home.

He saw Hsiu-hsiu sitting at the counter of the shop, and called out: ‘aster Tsui! I haven’t seen you for a long time. How does Hsiu-hsiu come to be here too? I have been delivering a letter for the prince to Tanchow; that is how I happen to be here. So Hsiu-hsiu has married you. Well, well!”

Tsui and his wife were nearly scared to death now that they had been recognized. This newcomer was a sergeant in the palace who had served the prince since he was a boy. Because he was trustworthy, he had been chosen to take the money to General Liu. His name was Kuo Li, and he was also known as Sergeant Kuo.

Tsui and Hsiu-hsiu entertained Sergeant Kuo to a feast, and begged him: “When you go back to the palace, for Heaven’s sake don’t breathe a word about us to the prince!”

“The prince will never know,” replied Kuo. “I hope I can mind my own business.” ‘Then he thanked them and left.

When he reached the palace, he gave the prince the general's reply; then, looking at the prince, Sergeant Kuo reported: “On my way back, as I came through Tanchow, I saw two people.”

“Who were they?”

“That girl Hsiu-hsiu and the jade worker Tsui. They gave me a meal and wine, and told me to say nothing.”

“So that’s what they have been up tol” said the prince. ‘How did they get all that way we

“T don’t know,” said Kuo. “I only know that he is living there now. He has a signboard up and is doing business.”

The prince ordered his attendants to go to the city government and have an officer sent immediately with a warrant to Tanchow. This officer took assistants and money for the road and, when he arrived at Tanchow, requested the authorities there to help him to find Tsui and Hsiu-hsiu. It was like

Swift hawks that on weak sparrows fall, Or tigers slaying lambkins small!

In less than two months Tsui and Hsiu-hsiu were caught and sent to the palace. And as soon as the prince heard of their arrival, he took

his seat in the court.

During his campaign against the Tartars, the prince had wielded a “small blue” sword in his left hand and a ‘Hig blue” sword in his right hand. And many were the Tartars those two swords had killed! They

