Chinese Medical Journal, 01. 01. 1956., стр. 25
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USE OF PUMPKIN SEED WITH ARECA NUT IN TAPEWORM INFECTIONS 92] taken first by mastication, followed immediately by areca nut decoction. One hour later a dose of magnesium sulphate was given. Forty cases were treated in this series, among which 27 were completely cured.
e. Areca nut and pumpkin seeds taken at intervals. Areca nut 30-100 gm, pumpkin seed kernel 60-125 gm. First the seed kernels were taken by mastication, three hours later areca nut decoction was taken and still half an hour later a dose of magnesium sulphate. Thirty-eight cases were treated in this series, of which 35 cases resulted in complete cure.
d. Areca nut and pumpkin seed powder taken at intervals. Areca nut 80 gm, pumpkin seed kernel powder 50 gm. Pumpkin seed powder was taken first followed two hours later by areca nut decoction and another half an hour later by a dose of magnesium sulphate. In this series, 12 cases were treated and all resulted in complete cure.
e. Oil-free pumpkin seed powder and areca nut. Areca nut 80 gm, oil-free pumpkin seed powder 50 gm.* The oil-free pumpkin seed powder was taken first, then two hours later the areca nut decoction and after another half an hour a dose of magnesium sulphate. Of 46 cases treated in this series, 43 were completely cured.
f Areca nut and filtrate of decoction of oil-free pumpkin seed powder. Areca nut 80 gm, filtrate of decoction of 50 gm oil-free pumpkin seed powder. The oil-free pumpkin seed was boiled in water for half an hour and filtered with filter paper. The filtrate amounted to about 50 cc. The areca nut decoction was taken first, then the pumpkin seed filtrate one hour later, and a dose of magnesium sulphate after another interval of half an hour. Nine cases were treated in this series and 8 were cured.
g. Areca nut and pumpkin seed powder residue taken at intervals. Areca nut 80 gm and the residue of boiled pumpkin seed powder left from filtration in series f, 40 gm. First the residue of pumpkin seed was given, then areca nut decoction two hours later, and a dose of magnesium sulphate after another interval of half an hour. Four cases were treated in this series and all of them were cured.
h. Areca nut and pumpkin seed oil taken at intervals. Areca nut 80 gm, pumpkin seed oil 30 ce. The oil was extracted in the course of obtaining oil-free powder used in series e. The oil was first given, areca nut decoction after two hours, and a dose of magnesium sulphate half an hour later. Seven cases were treated in this series and 3 were cured.
To facilitate comparison, the results of treatment of the abovementioned 8 series of cases are summarized in Table 1. From this table
* The pumpkin seed contains about 30 per cent oil. The powder was extracted with ether, and the oil-free powder and oil were used separately in order to ascertain which portion contains the active principle.