Christianity as creative myth

Collective, a functional articulated organism of interiorised, individuated, illuminated, self-shining persons’? and “To the Holy Spirit, to Humanity Universal, all humanities, all empires, all races, all classes, must be subordinated—or rather co-ordinatedall sexes of humanity, all ages, every spirit’ He envisaged that this would come about by the free and responsible initiative of individuals and alliances of individuals all over the world, though he did not expect it to come until ‘the society of the Race passes everywhere and entirely through the furnace of trial, of infernal suffering, of crisis and of struggle. The Synthesis is reached through the crisis of Antithesis.4 He called it the Coming of Age of the Race, the dawn of responsibility and awakening of Mankind as a whole, and the entrance of Universal Socialism of Humanity into both the history of Mankind and into its evolution.

Let us dwell for a moment on this word socialism, for what Mitrinovié meant by it bears little relationship to the political meaning of the word as it is now commonly used. It has nothing to do with proletarianism or class struggle, nor with any theories about the economy and the means of production. Erich Gutkind expressed it most forcibly when he wrote, ‘Socialism, superpersonality is the next logical step which we have to take in a world which is going to dissolution . . . Socialism is the new spontaneity which ensues when the zero-point of pure isolated individuality has been passed’. It is the realisation that, “The I must perish, but we must put forth life’, which means essentially the same as the words of Jesus Christ when he said, ‘if I go not away, the Comforter (the Holy Spirit) will not come to you’. (St. John 16.7.)

Mitrinovi¢ wrote in the New Britain World Affairs of the coming era, “We are reaching the age of super-individual thought and of that common consciousness which is not darkly and unconsciously common, instinctive, tribal, but common in light, common in conscious sharing of the Over-soul. The era of superindividual and super-intellectual experience is coming upon us; and it will be the task of Intuition, of spiritual cognisance, to liberate human culture from the savage and plebeian imperialism of intellectualism and save humanity from the mirage of scientific dictatorship.’

Those who talk superficially about socialism as a political