Creative critique and anthropo-philosophy

Now, at this time, when we see around us bewilderment and despair, and preparations for new and more disastrous wars, when men do not know which way to turn and to many all life is confusing or empty—exactly now there lies before Man the immense creative work of revaluing, and thereby recreating, the whole of human history and human culture as the past life of the human species, so that he may understand the present and work creatively for the future justification and fulfilment of human life on the Earth.

‘Leisure and Plenty are in front of us’-—it was written in the first New Atlantis Quarterly in 1934—‘in the West and over the whole of our human earth; for great and deserved is our inheritance from the toil and creation of our species throughout our evolution. But we ought to be courageous and ripe-of-age today, and begin realising our own human divineness. Provided that we fix for our aim the organisation of our human household and the deepest and most intense selfculture of the individual, let us inherit our inheritance and let us not be afraid of ease and nearness of perfection and glory for the sake of the Creative Infinity and the one Ever-Living Self which is Eternity and is both our own essence and also our goal and origin.

‘Onward, then, towards organisation of our knowledge and organic world guidance! Onward to the integration of individuals in the direction both of true Interiorisation and true Individuation for the sake of the Human Collective and our common world. Onward to the Realisation of Reality and the cognisance of its norms and structure; so that we may apply Principles of Reality to the facts of the human state and the need and norm of our high souls. To this end The New Atlantis shall exist. This end shall it earnestly serve.’