Egyptian religious poetry, стр. 105


from the mountains of the East. When I alight on the Morning Boat the Enneads of primeval times are brought to me, they bow down and give praises to me. I rise, I am altogether a beautiful Hawk of Gold, chief of the Bennu-birds. Ré enters every day when he hears its voice, and I sit among the oldest Gods of the firmament. [B.B.D., ch. Ixxvii]


Ler not him that would harm me approach me. O gods who would hearken unto my words, Mighty Ones who are in the retinue of Osiris, silence O gods, when God speaks with God. My face is that of the Divine Hawk, my strength is that of the Divine Hawk . .. Down upon your faces, O gods of the Duat. [s.B.D., ch. Ixxviii]


Verse transcription of Nos. 9 and 10

As a Hawk of Gold I fly On my burnished wings outspread, When the veil from her face the Sky withdraws And the Sun-boat leaps from the Serpent’s jaws, And to earth return the Dead.

To the West my way I take, When the burning clouds are filled with light, And the Sun-boat sails through the Gates of Night In the glare of the Flaming Lake.

1 The Chapter of making existence as a Divine Hawk.