Egyptian religious poetry, стр. 93
When the river rises, bringing happiness and mirth, As the joyous Nile we hail Osiris ;
Giver of the harvest and Creator of the earth, All we have and are is from Osiris.
Women, hymn his triumph ; let your voices, men, ring out ; Cry aloud, all creatures of Osiris !
Thunder forth his praises in one vast triumphant shout, Glory to the Risen Lord, Osiris !
© creat Heir who came forth from Geb,
Eldest One, fair of countenance,
Living Soul who is in Istenu,
Child who came forth from Him-who-sees-and-hears,
Elder of the Two Shrines, Heir of Geb,
Who gives to thee all the circuit of the sun !
Come to thy house, O Osiris, who judgest the gods.
Open thine eyes that thou mayest see with them ;
Drive thou away the clouds,
Give thou light to the earth in darkness !
Come to thy house, O Osiris, first of the Westerners, come to thy house !
O Thou who camest forth from the womb with the uraeus on thy head,
Thine eyes illumine the Two Lands and the gods,
Raise thee up, raise thee up, O Sovereign our Lord !
He that rebelled against thee is at the execution block and shall not exist. [J-E.A., xxii (1936), 131]