Egyptian sculpture







. Milking scene. IO.


. King Hor. W.W.A., pp. 113, 114. Found in a tomb near the

north-west corner of the South Pyramid at Dahshur. Cairo. H.D.B.,1, Pl XX. P.A.C., Fig.58. From : : the sarcophagus of Kauit, found in her eee pete otee tomb at Deir el Bahri. Cairo. Slab of Amenemhat I. P.K., Pl. IX. Found re-used in the Ptolemaic temple at Abydos. University College, London. The Running Senusert. W.W.A., p.86. P.K., Pl. IX. Found re-used in the Ptolemaic temple at Abydos. University College, London.

Tehuti-hetep’s daughter. N.B., I, Frontispiece. From the tomb of Tehuti-hetep at El Bersheh. Jv situ.

Dragging the colossus. N.B., 1, Pl. XV, pp. 17-26. From the tomb of Tehuti-hetep at E] Bersheh. In situ.

. Senbi hunting. Bl. M., I, Pl. VII, p. 30. In the tomb of Senbi

at Meir. In situ.

. Bedawy Sheikh and his followers. P.H., I, p. 180. N.B.H.,

I, Pl. XXVIII. In the tomb of Khnumhetep at Beni-Hasan. In situ.

. Girls playing ball. N.B.H., II., Pl. VIII, A. In the tomb of

Baqt at Beni-Hasan. In situ.


New Kincpom

. Tetashera. W.W.A., p. 123. F.K.P., p. 51. Height, 38 cm.

No provenance. British Museum.

. Thothmes III’s mother. C.C.K., I, Pl. XLII. Found in the

cache at Karnak. Cairo.

. Thothmes III. W.W.A., p. 136. P.A.C., Fig. 37. Found in the

cache at Karnak. Cairo.

. Amenhotep II. C.C.K., I, Pl. XLIII. Found in the cache at

Karnak. Cairo.

. ThothmesIV. W.W.A., p.149. AS., V, Pl. V, P- 35- Found

in the temple of Karnak. Cairo.

. Rameses II. W.W.A., p. 267. P.A.C., Fig. 43. Turin Museum. . Rameses II, kneeling. W.W.A., p. 269. Found in the cache at

Karnak. Cairo.

. Rameses II and Ptah. P.Mem., V, Pl. LXXVII, p. 32. Found

within the temple temenos at Memphis. Ny Carlsberg Museum.

. Merenptah. P.S.T., Fl. VI, 12, 13. Found in the second court

of Merenptah’s funerary temple.

Amenhotep III in chariot. P.S.T., Pl. X. Found in the tempie of Merenptah at Thebes.

Sethy I, kneeling. For variants, see C.T.S., Pls. AXXIII, XXXIV. In the temple of Sethy lat Abydos. In situ,