Egyptian sculpture


Bronze figure of a priest, 164 », statue, 156 ,, Statuettes, 7, 161, 163 Brown, v, Pigments Brush, 19 Brushwork, 17 Bubastis, 191 Buildings, 61 » , recessed, 35 Butterfly, 129

Cairo Museum, 63, 81, 83, 102, 187, 188, 189, 190, I9I, 192

Calcium sulphate, v. Gypsum

Calf, v. Animals

Canon of Proportion, 20

, Amarna, at, 25,142

, Intermediate Period, 21

, Late Period, 26, 170

, Middle Kingdom, 23

, New Kingdom, 24

, Old Kingdom, 21

, Ptolemaic Period, 26

2 ”

” Pe a Pe ” ”

” ” ”

” ”»

Cap of Amon, 123

Captives, 35, III, I12, 113, 146, 147, IQr

Carnelian, 19

Cartouche, 91, 112, 151, 155, 181

Casting of metal statues, 6, 7, 67, 161

Casts, v. Plaster casts

Cat, v. Animals

Ceilings, painted, 126

Cemetery, painting of, 172

Character, depiction of, 30, 52, 53, 57+ 77: 79, 81, 82

Chessylite, 19

Chief of the Stone-workers, xxiii

Children, depiction of, 58, 65, 67, 97, 138, 142, 170

Chisel, 18, 89, 142

Chronology, xx, xxi

Cippi of Horus, 169, 170, 192

Cive perdue casting, 6, 7, 67, 161

Clavicle, 52, 168

Clay modelling, 1, 2

Cleopatra the Great, 184, 192

Cloak, v. Dress Clothing, v. Dress Coffins, 152, 168 Coins, 185 Collar-bone, v. Clavicle Colossi, xviii, 18 Colossus, dragging the, 93, 189 » of Memphis, 116, 190 Colour, conventions of, v. Conventions Colours, v. Pigments Composite statues, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 137, 138 Conventions in art, 8, 30, 129, 167 a art of Amarna, v. Amarna oi colour, 33, 69 ¥, front with profile, 8 * pose, 62 8 profile, g.v. » Tepresentation of women, 3, 33, 69, 92 a size, 41, 65, 129 yy) water, g.v. Copper, 3, 52, 143 » , carbonate of, v. Chessylite and malachite », Statues of Pepy, v. Pepy Cow, v. Animals Cow-statue, 162 Crane, v. Birds Crete, 8, 86, 99, 133 Crocodile, 170, 174 Crook, 166 Crown, 101, 114, 161, 184 » » blue, 100, 112, 143, 144, 151 » , double, 123 », , Lower Egypt, v. Crown, red »» , Ted, 90, 125, 184 » », Upper Egypt, v. white » », uTaeus, 158, 184 » , White, 60, 151, 166, 184


Dagger, 62

Dahshur, Pyramid of, 189

Daily lite, scenes of, 68, 126

Dancing, 127, 190, and v. King, dancing

Date-palm, 36